How to Boost Your Social Sharing
Sharing is at the heart of social media. It’s how participants start a conversation about something. They share it. But first, your content has to be worth sharing. It has to provoke enough thought about it for someone to like it, Google+ it and share it on other social media formats. But, how do you make sure you create content that is share-worthy? . Share Everything Yourself First, get in the habit of sharing things yourself. Share your blog posts, your YouTube videos and any content that you create on your social media. How often you share something depends on which social media you are using. Remember that people are…
Leveraging Your Social Media Audience to Create More Buzz
Social media is a great way to promote your business and create more buzz. It doesn’t matter if you have a bricks and mortar business, or a completely online business. It also doesn’t matter if you sell products or services. Using social media to create more buzz is something all business owners need to do. It’s one of the best ways, that’s really practically free, to get the word out about your business. When you consider the fact that so many people are on social media (and not just on it; they keep it with them in the form of their mobile devices almost at all times), it becomes clear…