02 – Who do you admire?
We all can think of people we respect and admire. We all can think of people we would like to be like. But what are the qualities in these people that make them worthy of admiration? For each weakness you came up with for the previous worksheet, think of someone you know that doesn’t have that weakness. You can think about people in your life, celebrities, business people, or anyone else. List those who inspire you and who embody the positive qualities for each negative from your previous list. There is room for more than one name. MIY Worksheet 22 – Who do you admire? I think goals should never…
01 – Where could you use some improvement?
A lot of people worry about the qualities they lack. People worry they lack confidence, grace, or charisma. They worry they don’t belong. They worry that they might not be up to the task. So they give up before they start. But here’s a word of advice. If you aren’t confident, behave as if you are. If you feel like you don’t belong, act like you do. Act as if you were the person you want to be. Some people say, “Fake it till you make it.” But this doesn’t sound genuine to me. I prefer to think of it as emulating, or imitating, the good qualities you see in…