Natural Remedies PLR Article Pack
These are the topics covered in the Natural Remedies PLR Article Pack: Antibiotic Herbs (523 words) Antiviral Herbs (496 words) Food as Medicine (446 words) Natural Fungus Fighters (447 words) Hay Fever and Allergies (441 words) A Natural Approach to Headache Relief (460 words) The Healing Power of Honey (443 words) Herbal Options for Arthritis (430 words) Herbs for Kids (493 words) Natural Treatments for Acne (507 words) Includes 10 Done-for-You Articles, Compilation eBook, 10 Article PDF’s, and 20 Promotional Images for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this content on your own websites, in printed material, or anywhere that PLR content is permitted. You…
Diet Options PLR eCourse
These are the topics covered in the Diet Options PLR eCourse: Variants of the Ketogenic diet Weight Watchers Slimming World Rosemary Conley diet Raw food diet Low-fat diet GI diet Sugar-free diet Detox diets The Mediterranean diet Includes Done-for-You eCourse (4793 words), Promotional Image for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this content on your own websites, in printed material, or anywhere that PLR content is permitted. You may use the images on your websites, in printed material, or on social media. You may brand this content with your name, brand, logo, and website url and use it to make your own products. You may…
Dealing with Anxiety PLR Article Pack
These are the topics covered in the 10 Pack of PLR Articles on Dealing with Anxiety: Common Treatments for Anxiety (416 words) Foods and Drinks that May Increase Anxiety (543 words) How to Head Off Stress and Anxiety (537 words) What is a Panic Attack? (462 words) Recognizing When Children are Stressed (488 words) When to Seek Medical Help (542 words) Common Treatments for Panic Attacks (515 words) Types of Stress (480 words) Healthy Stress vs. Unhealthy Stress (454 words) What is Anxiety? (440 words) Includes 10 Done-for-You Articles and 10 Promotional Images for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this content on your own…
Walking Your Way to Fitness PLR eCourse
These are the topics covered in the Walking Your Way to Fitness PLR eCourse: Tips to make walking more interesting How to set walking for fitness goals Tips to track your progress How to stay motivated Types of fitness walking Nutrition and hydration tips How to walk for fitness when the weather isn’t cooperating Walking desks – What they are and why they’re good for you How to get more walking into each day Taking your fitness walking to the next level – Signs you’re ready to set bigger goals Includes Done-for-You eCourse (3456 words), Promotional Image for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this…
Keto Diet PLR Article Pack
These are the topics covered in the Keto Diet PLR Article Pack: Common Mistakes on the Keto Diet (532 words) Eating Do’s and Don’ts (537 words) Entering Ketosis (520 words) Health Conditions That the Keto Diet May Help With (530 words) History of the Keto Diet (523 words) How Does the Keto Diet Work (545 words) Keto Diet for Vegetarians (527 words) Keto Diet Risks and Side Effects (525 words) Recipe Ideas for the Keto Diet (513 words) Tips for Getting Back to the Keto Diet (506 words) Includes 10 Done-for-You Articles, 10 Promotional Images for your website or social media, and 10 social media messages. Your PLR Rights: You…
Getting a Better Nights Sleep PLR Report
These are the topics covered in the PLR Special Report on Getting a Netter Night’s Sleep: How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? Getting Your Sleep Environment Right The Best Bedtime Routine Do’s and Don’ts What to Do If You Wake in the Night Dealing with Insomnia Includes Special Report (as DOCX and TXT files) – 4543 words – with Cover and Promotional Image for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this content on your own websites, in printed material, or anywhere that PLR content is permitted. You may use the images on your websites, in printed material, or on social media. You may brand…
Stay Flexible Stay Fit PLR eCourse
These are the topics covered in the Stay Flexible Stay Fit PLR eCourse: How yoga helps you stay flexible in pregnancy How yoga helps you stay flexible when you are overweight How yoga helps athletes stay flexible How yoga helps the elderly stay flexible Foods to eat to make you more flexible Stretching exercises to improve flexibility How dance can make you more flexible How Pilates can make you more flexible How massage can make you more flexible Flexibility exercises for kids Includes Done-for-You eCourse (4193 words), Promotional Image for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this content on your own websites, in printed material,…
Common Sleep Problems PLR eCourse
These are the topics covered in the Common Sleep Problems PLR eCourse: Restless legs syndrome Snoring, sleep, and you Sleep apnea Narcolepsy Sleep terrors Sleepwalking Common sleep problems in young children and how to deal with them Common sleep problems in older kids and how to deal with them Common sleep problems in teens and how to deal with them Common sleep problems in the elderly and how to deal with them Includes Done-for-You eCourse (4983 words), Promotional Image for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this content on your own websites, in printed material, or anywhere that PLR content is permitted. You may use…
Spring Fitness PLR Article Pack
These are the topics covered in the Spring Fitness PLR Article Pack: Defining Leg Muscles Firming the Butt Flushing Body Fat Get Six-Pack Abs Improve Your Cardio Sag-Proofing Your Bust Strengthening Your Core Stretching for Flexibility Toning and Strengthening the Traps, Lats and Back Muscles Toning the Tummy Includes 10 Done-for-You Articles, 10 Tweets, and 10 Promotional Images for your website or social media. Your PLR Rights: You may use this content on your own websites, in printed material, or anywhere that PLR content is permitted. You may use the images on your websites, in printed material, or on social media. You may brand this content with your name, brand,…
Helping Your Child Stay Optimistic PLR eCourse
These are the topics covered in the 10 Lesson PLR eCourse on Helping Your Child Stay Optimistic: Helping Your Child Stay Optimistic in the Face of Illness Helping Your Child Deal Optimistically with Disability Helping a child deal with stress optimistically Helping your child be more optimistic despite poor grades How to help your child through a friend breakup Helping your child deal with relationship breakups positively Helping your child through divorce Helping your child deal with a bully optimistically Helping Your Child Accept a New Sibling Helping your child when moving to a new house Ten part ecourse on Helping Your Child Stay Optimistic plus promotional image (1000×1000 jpg)…