Nine Ways to Monetize Teleseminars and Webinars
If you’re going to get involved in promoting and hosting events like teleseminars and webinars, you’re going to want to find ways to monetize them to make them worth your time and effort. Putting on events is fun, but it’s not without hard work. You should be compensated for the time you take to host events, and luckily there are lots of ways to monetize them.
1. Entry Fees – Make the event itself the money maker by charging for the event. When you charge for the event you’ll want to invest in the right technology to make the process easier, like Instant Teleseminar, GoToMeeting, or Webinars OnAir. These allow you to automate the process of charging and even in some cases replay your event automatically as a live event so that you can collect over and over again.
2. Recordings – Use the technology available to you to record the event, then package it with other items you have for sale to increase their value. You can also sell the recordings for a lower fee to attendees or make it part of a package that people can buy up front for a different ticket price.
3. Transcripts – Have a transcriptionist transcribe the recordings to create a report of the event. You can sell it just as is, a transcript, or you can make it into an eBook, a report, combine it with other writing to create a case study and more.
4. Upsell New Products – When you have an event, collect the registrants’ information up front so that whether they see it through and attend or not, you can market new products and services to them via the email list they are now on due to subscribing for your event.
5. Cross-Sell Related Products – Using the event itself, as well as the sign-up form, welcome form, and other means, you can cross-sell other products that are related to the event or that go with the event.
6. Promote Affiliate Links – The products that you promote do not have to be your own; they can be products created by others in which you are part of their affiliate program. This is a great way to earn extra money from the registrants of your event.
7. Automate It – Make money from the event over and over by reshowing it “as live” many times over. You can sell tickets to it again and again, as long as the information is still current. No need to have a real live event each time.
8. Attract Sponsors – If you have an hour-long event, it’s quite natural to find sponsors for events just like a TV show does, or live events do. Build a media package for your event that will describe who will attend, how many will attend, who the audience is and other information for advertisers to determine whether or not the event is the right one for them to sponsor.
9. Presell the Next Event – Use the current event to sell your next event by offering early bird discounts to fill the seats before you even announce it live to the public. This is an excellent way to determine interest for future events too.
Finally, to make the most from your events, whether they are teleseminars or webinars, collect the registrants’ information so that you can follow up with them. The follow up, even if you charge for the event, is what will make the difference in your ability to capitalize on hosting events so that you increase your income without more work.