How to Make Emailing Easy
The Hard Truth about Biz Life Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur? There is one undeniable truth about building your own business. It takes two kinds of people to make a business work. A Seller. And a Buyer. Period. Many of us are uncomfortable with the idea of selling. I get it! I include myself in that crowd. In fact, fixing your money mindset is the topic of one of my signature courses: Fix Your Money Mindset. But, as you’ll learn if you take the course, selling doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as easy as emailing a friend. Email Can Be Easy Email is so effective as…
What is a Personal Brand?
You know what a brand is. McDonald’s, Apple, Lexus, Levi’s, and Rolex are all brands. But do you know what a personal brand is? And, even more importantly, do you know how to build one? If you answered, “No,” to either of those questions, then read on. Now, more than ever, you need a personal brand. If you want to stand out from the competition, attract new clients, and build a thriving business, it’s important to create a powerful, thriving personal brand. If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s critical to devote at least some time each week to strengthening your brand. As you’ll understand later, your personal brand is one of…
Take Advantage of Email Marketing
Whether your business is brick and mortar or virtual, no real business happens unless somebody buys something. For that to happen, you need a tribe to sell to. Connecting with potential customers and engaging the ones you already have are very important aspects of business. Social media is an effective way to shout out about your business, but there is no guarantees. There are times when the algorithm is not in your favour. Capturing email addresses ensures you have access to your clients anytime you want to connect. Email marketing is an excellent way to: Offer freebies Establish rapport Share valuable information Keep conversations going Make offers and upsell You…
Introverts Make Great Business Owners
Here’s my little secret. I am an introvert. Big time. Staying home is my favourite thing. I have fits of anxiety when I leave my house. It’s something you’d never guess if you ever saw me teaching a class, leading a worship service, or playing guitar or piano in public. But it’s part of who I am and even though it makes some things way more difficult than they need be, I embrace it and lean into my strengths as best I can. So what does this mean for you and your business? If you’re an introvert, you might think that owning your own business is a terrifying proposition. After…
Build Your Business Around Your Lifestyle
Have you been thinking about what your dream life would look like? Maybe you’ve thought about being your own boss, about owning your own business, and being able to be in control of how you use your time and how you spend your money. Maybe you’re thinking about traveling. Maybe you’d like to have a portable business that you could take on the road so you could see the world and live that dream lifestyle while you build your business at the same time. Maybe you want to have more time in your life to spend with your family and, if that’s a priority for you, you’re going to need…
Build a Great Brand to Draw People In
Your brand is sort of like your identity. It should be unique, easy-to-understand, and draw people towards you. Your brand is representative of who you are, sometimes without saying a word. Your brand may go ahead of you, trail after you, and linger in people’s minds in your absence. Done well, it will be memorable enough that people can’t shake it from their minds triggering them to think of you at the exact time they need whatever it is you have. Anything can be a brand. • Coffee • Mattresses • Underwear And… • People That means that you, yourself, may be a brand that stands out and gets noticed.…
Personal Branding and Transparency
Being your true self is your most powerful branding tactic. But just how open and honest should you be when it comes to sharing your story? Pat Flynn and Jon Lee Dumas are notorious for their transparency, even going so far as to post monthly income statements. You might argue that when you’re making the kind of bank they do (6+ figures each month) it’s easy to share—perhaps even inspirational to your audience. But it might also be off-putting to some, since talking about money is often seen as vulgar. In this case, though, it works to attract the exact audience they are after. Others will find other mentors, and…
Hiring an Agency for Personal Branding
It’s essential that anyone doing business online has a strong personal brand. But what if you’re not sure you have the time and skills to do it yourself? Whether you’re just starting to build your personal brand or are looking for a branding brush-up, hiring an agency could be the right way to go. Take Advantages of an Agency’s Resources You may not have the resources to tackle personal branding yourself. Most small business owners and entrepreneurs are up to their ears in their daily operations and barely even have time for strategic planning and other long-term issues. If you don’t have in-house staff to help, it may be easier…
You are Your Brand
Here’s secret successful marketers know: customers don’t buy a product. They buy you. Your personality. Your experience. The unique qualities only you possess. There was a time when “branding” meant a corporate-looking logo and a slick catalog, but in today’s online marketplace, the real value is not in appearing to be a big company, but rather in just being you. And your personality shines through in a variety of ways. Your Authentic Voice How you speak and write and even how you act on camera or in an audio interview has the power to instantly identify you to your audience. You can see this in action if you scroll through…
Inspiration for Your Best Year Yet
Have you ever found yourself in an endless loop of always setting the same goals and resolutions and never getting anywhere? You know that you need to be writing down your goals and tracking them. You know that there are things that you need to be doing on a regular basis to actually hit those goals. And yet it always seems like life gets in the way. Things happen. You find yourself taking stock in December and asking, “Where did the time go?” It’s depressing to look back on the year and see that you haven’t quite accomplished all that you had hoped. I know because I’ve been there! I’ve…