Inspiration for Your Best Year Yet
Have you ever found yourself in an endless loop of always setting the same goals and resolutions and never getting anywhere? You know that you need to be writing down your goals and tracking them. You know that there are things that you need to be doing on a regular basis to actually hit those goals. And yet it always seems like life gets in the way. Things happen. You find yourself taking stock in December and asking, “Where did the time go?” It’s depressing to look back on the year and see that you haven’t quite accomplished all that you had hoped. I know because I’ve been there! I’ve…
Surround Yourself with Positives
Most of us have a lot of stress in our lives. Some of it is due to the fast-paced society that we live in and some of it is self-inflicted due to who we choose to spend our time with. The fact is, misery loves company. If you want to live a positive and happy life, surround yourself with positive things and positive people. Set Specific Goals for Yourself Whether it has to do with diet, exercise, or being positive, set realistic and specific goals that have a timetable so that you know when you’re supposed to be done with the goal. Write down the goal and the steps that…
How to Get Out of Your Own Way
If you’re having trouble finding the success that you desire, there’s a strong probability that self-sabotage could be holding you back. There are many reasons why people sabotage themselves and prevent themselves from experiencing success – but instead of focusing on those reasons, how about focusing on getting out of your own way so that you can be successful? For the next month, take the time to do something different than you usually do. Go over past situations in a different way than you have. Instead of placing blame, figure out what could have been done differently, and make it a point to go that different way if a similar…
Book Review – Good to Great by Jim Collins
Are You Managing Your Time or Is It Managing You?
It’s amazing how much some people manage to get done, while others seem to be stuck in a rut without enough time in the day to accomplish much of anything. But, here’s the secret. Everyone has the same amount of time in every single day. It’s one way in which we are all created equal. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Track Your Activities for a Week To get a real picture of how you spend your time, try tracking everything you do for at least one week. Use a small recorder to record when you start and stop any task, and include the time. Alternatively, just…
Home Organization: Easy Steps to a Clutter Free Home
When you first move into your home it seems like you have so much space. As the years pass, you might find yourself becoming a pack rat. What are you going to do with all the stuff you have accumulated? Perhaps it’s time to weed out the unnecessary items and organize your home. Home organization is a step-by-step process. It will take more than a day or even a week to get everything to a manageable level, but once you do staying organized is an easier task. If you have a family, enlist their help. They can pitch in and learn a thing or two about controlling clutter in their…
Put On Your Boots and Get Things Done!
A great motivation for gardening season or any time! As a thank you to my readers here at HomeFreeMedia, I am giving away these free motivational wallpapers for your desktop. Opportunity is all about being ready. Sometimes just taking the first small step toward your goals is enough to spur you forward. It can be as simple as lacing up your boots. Thomas A. Edison has been quoted as saying, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Do you have your work clothes on? Are you ready for success to come your way? Take some time to re-assess your goals and…
Winter Hump Day February 4
I did the math. According to my calculations, winter is now half gone! Winter Hump Day was officially February 4. We are now halfway through winter and halfway to spring. Don’t misunderstand, I do love the winter here in Canada! But this year’s winter has been unusually nasty. Frozen water pipes, broken water mains, and traffic accidents due to slippery driving conditions have been common in the extreme cold we have been experiencing. So I am especially looking forward to spring these days. It will be so wonderful to smell the earth as I am preparing and planting my garden! Bring on the spring flowers, daffodils, crocuses, and tulips! Winter…
Tools – Work with What You Have Now
“I’d get so much more done if I had an iPad.” “If only I had the new tablet. I know I’d be so much more productive.” Have you caught yourself saying things like this? Those of us who live in affluent North America have been conditioned by advertising to believe that we are useless without the latest and greatest and most expensive gizmos. But how much do such things really add to our productivity? It is certainly worth thinking about. An affinity for the latest gadgets will only hold you back, if your goal is to get ahead financially. Here is an interesting case in point. When the U.S was…
Time – Work with What You Have Now
I’m sure that we all have wished we had more time at some point along the way. “I’d get so much more done if I didn’t have to work full time.” “I’ll have so much more time after the kids are grown.” “I’ll have so much more time to work on my business when I can afford to quit my job.” The fact is, we all have things to do. Lots of things. So how do you fit running your own business, or gardening, or exercising, into an already full day? The key is not wishing for more time, but working with the time you have now. Let’s say you…