Plan for Success
0501 – Blogging to Bring Visitors to Your Site
As you embark on your journey to lead a niche market, you’ll need to share ideas and thoughts as well as opinions and news on your new blog platform. Some people always ask how they can get traffic pushed to a new site. A better way to look at this is to work on how you can pull traffic into your site, using creative and valuable content that gets posted to your blog. Make sure you don’t stick with only using text content. A good variety of images and videos will help break up the text and make your blog more interactive. You can get images to use on your…
Surround Yourself with Positives
Most of us have a lot of stress in our lives. Some of it is due to the fast-paced society that we live in and some of it is self-inflicted due to who we choose to spend our time with. The fact is, misery loves company. If you want to live a positive and happy life, surround yourself with positive things and positive people. Set Specific Goals for Yourself Whether it has to do with diet, exercise, or being positive, set realistic and specific goals that have a timetable so that you know when you’re supposed to be done with the goal. Write down the goal and the steps that…
Affiliate Signup
Join the party! Sign up today to earn 50% commission on HomeFreeMedia products Paid every two weeks into your Paypal account through my awesome aMember software. If you’re already a customer, you’re automatically an affiliate. (If you’re not, you can Sign Up Here.) You can recommend paid products or choose from several FREE offers that are available to promote. When you refer people to a free item, we drop a cookie so that you are able to receive commissions on products purchased by that person as long as the cookie is enabled. After a purchase is made, my awesome aMember shopping cart will continue to credit your account for future…
Inspiration DFY Magazine
NOTE: This page is still under construction. You are welcome to browse, but please don’t try to buy yet! Have you ever dreamed of having your own magazine? [dflip id=”7670″][/dflip] This is not PLR that will sit gathering virtual dust on your hard drive. This is a truly done-for-you product. You send me your headshot for the cover, your website URL, and your ad for the back page and I will get everything customized and ready for you to deliver to your clients and prospects. Each and every month. Inspiration Magazine has no ads, other than for YOU and your business. It’s also only twelve pages long. While you might…