Reasons Why Marketing Plans Fail
The number one reason that marketing plans fail is due to a lack of seeing the plan through to the end. In other words: not following through. You can write a plan down in the minutest detail but without take action to implement what is written, you won’t get the results you want.
There are many reasons why marketing plans fail. Here are just a few more.
Not Understanding Your Audience
Running a successful business requires a lot of research and dedication to getting to know your audience inside and out. That means not only for today, but for the future too. As time moves on, some things about your audience changes too.
If you aren’t sure what your audience wants, take a survey. Use an online tool like Survey Monkey to ask questions and see how you can best meet the needs of your target demographic.
Not Understanding Your Products
Do you know every product that you offer your audience and do you know why you offer them? What benefits do they give your audience? Don’t just know how to list the features of your products. The audience only cares about the benefits and you should be able to explain your products from their perspective.
Not Setting Measureable Goals
Many businesses just run advertisements without really knowing why. If you don’t have a specific goal such as increasing your email list by 100 subscribers in one month, it will be hard to know if what you’re doing is working or not.
Not Setting Realistic Goals
If you have a budget of 100 dollars a month, you may not be able to reach 1000 new subscribers in a month, or hire someone to write 20 new articles for your blog. Therefore, work with your budget or around your budget to meet a goal. However, don’t create a goal based on budget; only create the plan based on the budget.
Not Understanding Why
You want to add people to your email list, but why do you want to do that? What is the point of your goal? If you can’t understand the reason behind your goals then it will be difficult for you to execute them.
Not Knowing How
Many people are afraid to admit that they do not know how to do something and need more education. If you can find a way to identify gaps in your education, and find tutorials or coaching to teach you, you’ll be more likely to be successful.
Not Knowing Who
If you don’t know who is going to help you reach your goals and implement your plan, then you may not succeed. When you write out the plan, also write out who is going to do each part of the plan and when.
As Jim Collins says, “Get the right people on the bus.”
Not Following Through
Many business owners actually do all the planning but never implement anything. It could be due to fear of success or fear of failure but just like diet, if you don’t follow through you will not see the results that you want.
Marketing plans don’t really fail if they are made and then implemented. The reason is that a marketing plan changes with the times, objectives and goals. As long as you are working the plan, you will more than likely find success.