05 – Your Weekly Plan for Success
For today’s lesson, you’re creating your weekly plan for success. Take a look at your monthly goals list and see if you can determine weekly action steps to achieve them.
04 – Set Your Milestones in Advance
Goals don’t mean a thing unless you take action to make them real. The toughest part for many people is taking the first step. But what comes next after that?
03 – Find Your One Big Goal
In the previous lesson, we explored your vision of a successful life and your dreams. This time, You will consider the goals that will propel you towards that vision.
02 – Envision Your Ideal Life
All great accomplishments start with a vision. The easiest way to reach this vision is to plot your path using goals. These exercises are designed to help you imagine your best life.
01 – Introduction
Objective: Imagine yourself a year from now. What do you see? Are things about the same in your life as it is today? Identify the first steps you can take that will bring you closer to your ideal life.