0205 – Drilling Down to Dominate a Narrow Niche
When you’re doing your initial planning, you might start out thinking in terms of a broad topic, like fishing or golf. But to some, it may seem overwhelming trying to teach all of that – or maybe you just have a specific or narrow interest in the topic. You can decide to narrow down and position yourself as the go to person for a smaller demographic, searching for information that suits their needs, rather than everyone, everywhere. So for instance, you could do a narrow site on: • Bass Fishing • Improving Your Short Game (for golfers) • Raising Chickens (for homesteaders) • Getting rid of (or minimizing) wrinkles •…
0203 – Understanding Niche Markets
There are two types of niche markets that you can consider when deciding what type of product you want to offer. Trend based markets rise up quickly and can be very profitable in the short run, while evergreen markets will always be full of people looking for answers and so can provide a steady income for as long as you want to be of service in that area. Trend-Based Niche Markets There are some topics that are trendy, and you can make fast, easy money on those if you stay alert and responsive. For example, let’s say the Zika virus is big in the news right now. You could create…
0204 – Merging Niches for a Broader Appeal
Another cool way to pick a niche is to merge topics. For example, anti aging and weight loss can be combined – or golf for fitness. You could merge things like gardening and stress relief, and that opens the door to all sorts of stress management and gardening products you could promote. However, make sure there’s some sort of logical connection between the two. For example, don’t just stick cooking and anti aging on the same site. If you specifically want to share cooking for anti aging, with herbs and foods that turn back the clock, then that’s fine! Or, don’t even merge niches – just keep it broad like,…
0202 – Choosing the Best Niche for You
Choose a Niche That Makes You Happy As a senior just getting into online marketing, keep in mind that you don’t have to sacrifice enjoyment for a paycheck. You can merge your interests with profitability. So let’s say you’re finally retired and can’t wait to spend every day playing golf. You could start a niche golf site where you’re giving tips and recommending or reviewing products on a regular basis. Amazon sells all sorts of golf equipment and trainers that you could earn a commission on. Topics like fishing, knitting, cooking, and even saving your marriage are all hot sellers that might be interesting and profitable for you to tap…
0201 – Picking a Profitable Niche
As a senior citizen, you have many experiences and interests that can serve you well in the world of Internet Marketing. Even without being a so-called “expert,” your years and insights make you an outstanding candidate to lead and instruct an audience. When it comes to launching a career online, there are many reasons for pursing this type of career. You might just want a purpose in life – the ability to start over fresh and do something you love. But for many seniors, income is a heavy factor in their decision to get into online marketing, so you’ll want to focus on a niche that combines personal satisfaction with…